DC COMICS (USA) Ref. 978177951279652499
    Wonder Woman just woke up in the middle of a battle all around her! Just another day...in Valhallah?! The warriors here spend their days fighting and their nights drinking, but why is no one surprised to see Wonder Woman? It's up to Diana to find out what is going wrong in the Sphere of the Gods...a...
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  • Descripción

    • Encuadernación : RUSTICA
    • Fecha de publicación : 22/05/2024
    • Año de edición : 2021
    • Nº de páginas : 0
    Wonder Woman just woke up in the middle of a battle all around her! Just another day...in Valhallah?!

    The warriors here spend their days fighting and their nights drinking, but why is no one surprised to see Wonder Woman? It's up to Diana to find out what is going wrong in the Sphere of the Gods...and how it landed her in the Norse afterlife.

    Now she must face warriors and beasts of mythic proportions...can our Amazon Princess survive?

    This volume collects Wonder Woman #770-779!

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