DC COMICS (USA) Ref. 978177950800352499
    A new collection featuring the legendary 1990s Batman epics "The Return of Scarface" and more!This new collection of 1990s Batman tales includes the legendary story "The Return of Scarface," one of DC's most vindictive villains made famous from the Batman: The Animated Series. This volume also inclu...
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  • Descripción

    • Encuadernación : RUSTICA
    • Fecha de publicación : 22/05/2024
    • Año de edición : 2022
    • Nº de páginas : 0
    • Nº de colección : 6
    A new collection featuring the legendary 1990s Batman epics "The Return of Scarface" and more!

    This new collection of 1990s Batman tales includes the legendary story "The Return of Scarface," one of DC's most vindictive villains made famous from the Batman: The Animated Series. This volume also includes the first appearance of the Gotham Gargoyle, and a run of stories in which the Dark Knight must stop crime boss Zucco.

    An all-star cast of talent, led by Jim Aparo (The Brave and the Bold), Alan Grant, and Doug Moench, presents Batman: The Caped Crusader Vol. 6, collecting Batman #475-483 and Detective Comics #642.

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