DC COMICS (USA) Ref. 978177950769350999
    Princess Nubia loves her mothers, their home on Themyscira, and all of her Amazon aunties. But sheâ??s still lonely sometimes. Itâ??s hard being the only kid on an island full of adults! She just wishes that things could be different. And then, one morning, things are different. Thereâ??s a stranger...
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  • Descripción

    • Fecha de publicación : 22/05/2024
    • Año de edición : 2022
    • Nº de páginas : 0
    Princess Nubia loves her mothers, their home on Themyscira, and all of her Amazon aunties. But sheâ??s still lonely sometimes. Itâ??s hard being the only kid on an island full of adults! She just wishes that things could be different. And then, one morning, things are different. Thereâ??s a stranger sharing her bedroomâ?¦and the interloper, Diana, insists that itâ??s her room! And their parents think theyâ??re both just being pestsâ??theyâ??ve always shared a room. What is happening? Could it be that wishing into Heraâ??s Ear on the night of the solstice worked? Will Nubia get to keep this strange new sister? Does she even want to?

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